Thursday, August 29, 2013

Jumpin' Kitty Maze and Casino Art

Kitten Gif - animated CAT GIF
No matter how many friends you have, your pet cat is always going to be one of the closest souls in your life, and for good reason. Your cat does more for you than most people ever could. It lifts your spirits, helps keep you calm in the face of the tempest of life, and reduces your stress to the point of making you a stronger person. All of that happens without any effort on the part of the cat. So you'd be wise to include your cat in as much of your life as possible. You can let it sit on the counter while you prepare dinner or sit in your lap while you browse the Internet. Take your cat along with you when you visit the online casino. Let it help you play some of the simpler games, especially if you're using a touch screen. The bonding experience alone will be worth the time spent playing casino games. And if you win, you can add that to the list of things your pet cat adds to your life. Bringing the cat into all parts of your life will help deepen the relationship and serve as a form of appreciation. While the cat won't help you get the right cards in blackjack, and will never be aware of the experience you're having, you'll know that you did your best to keep the cat near you when you need it, and that in itself will have a lasting impact on what might be the closest relationship in your life.
kitty cat maze
Kitty Cat Maze - Find the Maze Solution HERE

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Eye Catchy Maze you CANNOT refuse

maze of the horsehead
Maze of Horse-Head - Maze Solution here
It is fun to play casino games in the online casino or the mobile casino. You get all the excitement of the hotel casinos in Las Vegas or Monte Carlo but without having the leave the comfort of your home. Best of all, you can create the environment you want, where you will have the most fun and feel the most comfortable. For a lot of people, that means playing while holding a beloved pet in their lap, especially a cat that you can gently stroke and hear purring in pleasure. Gambling experts are coming to understand something pet owners have known for years – that bonding with your dog or cat has a therapeutic dimension that helps improve your mood, make you feel more relaxed, and allows you to accept life as it comes more readily. These are the exact skills you need to play online casino games optimally, where you make the best bets available after getting a good feel for how your luck is going. The best betters are those who have a higher intuition about their game, not those who are swayed by their emotions to place bets that they are likely to regret later.
animated CAT gif